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Tesinska 1586/66
746 01 Opava, CZ
OSTROJ a.s. holds a license for electricity distribution within the designated area specified by this license.
In accordance with Act No. 458/2000 Coll. – The Act on Business Conditions and State Administration in the Energy Sectors and on Amendments to Certain Laws (the Energy Act), the Local Distribution System Operating Rules were developed in cooperation with the Energy Regulatory Office. These rules define the basic technical, planning, and information requirements for connecting users to the local distribution system within the OSTROJ a.s. premises, for its use, and are binding for all LDS users.
The Local Distribution System Operating Rules specify the implementation of certain provisions of the Energy Act based on regulations issued by the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Energy Regulatory Office. The current version of Act No. 458/2000 Coll., including the latest implementing regulations for Act No. 458/2000 Coll., can be found on the Energy Regulatory Office's website at
For access to verified historical measurement and consumption data in accordance with Commission Regulation (EU) on interoperability requirements 2023/1162, please contact the local distribution system administrator using the contact form below or proceed to the summary report overview.
Fill out the form or contact us, and we will get back to you.
Tesinska 1586/66
746 01 Opava, CZ